

Veterinary care for dogs, cats, and pocket pets in Hastings, NE and beyond.

We are caring people serving the local and extended community with excellence, compassion, and drive. From wellness care to surgery, our team will be here for you throughout every stage of your four-legged family member’s life.


Many pet owners are terrified by the thought of their pets undergoing anesthesia. In some cases, this fear and uncertainty can prevent pets from receiving the medical care they need and deserve. Rest assured that your pet will receive safe, comprehensive, advanced anesthesia care from our staff of caring professionals. From major and minor surgeries to diagnostic procedures, we can meet your pet’s anesthetic needs.

There is nothing more important to us than your pet’s safety, so we perform a variety of pre-anesthetic tests to carefully screen patients and tailor our anesthetic protocol specifically for your pet. Our trained staff and doctors monitor your pet before, during, and after anesthesia to help ensure the best possible outcome. We also take time to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about the medications, monitoring and care your pet will receive. When you trust our dedicated health care professionals to manage your pet’s anesthetic care, you can rest assured that safety, efficacy, and comfort are always foremost in our minds.

Behavioral Medicine

A poorly behaved pet can drive a wedge in your peaceful daily life. If you have questions or behavior issues, we’re here to help you address and correct them so you and your companions can continue a life full of good behavior.

Pets can have a wide variety of behavioral issues, from simple housetraining problems to severe anxiety and aggression issues. We are well qualified and experienced in diagnosing and addressing behavior problems with an approach that combines skills from veterinary clinical medicine, behavioral medicine, and pet training. Our goals are to help pets and their owners live together comfortably and safely, and to help restore the bond between pets and their families.

Dental Care

Why is dental health so important? Most pet parents are not aware that their pet is dealing with dental issues. Did you know that poor oral health can lead to infections that can spread through the bloodstream to affect major organs such as your pet’s liver, kidneys, and heart?

Recent studies have shown that 70% of adult cats and 80% of adult dogs show symptoms of oral disease.

Just as it’s important for you to see a dentist regularly, it’s important for dogs and cats as well. Your pet’s oral health is directly connected to their overall health. Signs of dental disease include bad breath, loose, broken or missing teeth, yellow or brown teeth, red, inflamed or bleeding gums, difficulty or pain when chewing, pawing at the mouth, and excessive drooling. If you notice any of these symptoms, please contact our team and we’ll be happy to help.

We are proud that we have the most up to date equipment to treat dental disease, including digital dental x-rays. This allows us to detect if there is any disease beneath the gum line that we would not be able to see otherwise. We are often able to see undetected abscesses, broken teeth, resorbed roots, retained roots, and more thanks to dental radiographs.

Hospice and Euthanasia

Are you having problems caring for a terminally ill pet at home? Does your pet have a medical condition that is painful or causing poor quality of life? Are you afraid that your sick or elderly pet is suffering?

Our staff of compassionate, caring professionals can help you through this painful experience. We offer hospice services and will work with you to ensure your pet’s comfort and dignity during his or her last days and final moments. Do you have special requests? Do you have questions about the care of your pet’s remains? We can help you with these concerns and will make every effort to accommodate your wishes at this very difficult time.

Deciding when your pet may need hospice care or euthanasia is a very personal and private decision, but that doesn’t mean you have to make this difficult choice on your own. Our hospice and humane euthanasia services are conducted with respect, compassion, and care. Before you struggle through one more day with a sick, elderly, or terminally ill pet that is suffering, call us to learn how we can help.

Cremation Services
We offer cremation services.  All cremains are presented in decorative boxes. In addition, there are various urns available for purchase.

Internal Medicine
Our team is experienced in managing patients with Diabetes, Parvovirus, Pancreatitis, Adrenal Gland diseases, and other serious internal medicine conditions. We are happy to have an excellent working relationship with several Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialists in Omaha and at several of the veterinary teaching hospitals should a patient require a higher level of treatment.

The chance of being reunited with a lost pet increases greatly if they’re microchipped. Microchipping can offer reassurance that, if lost, animal shelters and veterinarians can identify your pet. A tiny microchip is placed under the skin between your pet’s shoulder blades. The microchip has an identification number on it, which can be read by a scanner. A veterinarian’s office or animal shelter can scan the chip to find out who owns the animal.

Why should you microchip your pet?

According to PetFinder, over 10 million pets go missing every year, and one in three pets will go missing at some point in their life. If your pet ever goes missing and is recovered, a special microchip scanner can be used by any vet or shelter to find out important information about your pet and get into contact with you as soon as possible for a reunion. In one study, it was found that microchipped pets were 52% more likely to be recovered, as opposed to only 22% of the time for pets without microchips. If you move or change your contact information at any time, make sure to let your microchip company know so they can get the information updated right away.

Pain Management

The practice of high-quality veterinary medicine focuses on the entire patient – from medical issues that affect physical functioning, to emotional and psychological issues that affect well-being. Experiencing pain can affect the body’s physical functioning and can have a detrimental effect on a patient’s well-being and state of mind. That’s why pain management is among our primary considerations when we are treating a pet for any medical condition.

From routine procedures (such as a spays or dental cleanings), to more advanced medical treatments (such as bone surgeries or cancer treatments), to chronically painful conditions (such as arthritis or back pain), we are dedicated to providing safe and effective pain management to every patient. We will also help you recognize signs of pain in your pet so that we can modify his or her pain management plan when necessary.

Recognizing and alleviating pain in our patients is at the very heart of quality, compassionate patient care. We don’t take pain management for granted and will employ all our skills to help ensure your pet’s comfort, well-being, and full recovery.

Pocket Pet Care
Rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, and other small mammals have become popular pets as increasing numbers of pet owners come to understand the unique bond that can form with one of these special creatures. But did you know that small mammals need some of the same routine wellness care that dogs and cats need? Do you know if your pet should be spayed or neutered? Do you know if any vaccinations are recommended to help maintain good health? Do you have questions about proper nutrition, cage cleaning, grooming, or any other aspects of care and husbandry? Our staff of skilled professionals is well trained in the care and husbandry of small mammals and can give you the information you need to keep your pocket pet looking and feeling great.

Why not call to schedule a wellness visit? We can perform a physical examination, answer any questions you may have about your pet, and discuss whether any changes in diet or at-home care are recommended to help ensure the health and longevity of your pet.

Veterinary medicine for exotic pets is growing as the popularity of these animals increases. When pet owners have access to the best information about nutritional and environmental management, exotic pets have a greater chance to live longer, healthier lives. If you own one of these unique pets, we encourage you to schedule a complete physical exam and consultation on proper care and feeding. Our trained staff can assist you with all of your small mammal needs.

Senior Care
Did you know that pets age faster than people and can be considered “seniors” at around 7 years of age? Just as our health care needs change as we age, your pet’s health care needs also change. Nutritional needs, exercise habits, and many aspects of your pet’s daily routine can change as your pet ages. But how can you tell the difference between “normal” aging and a medical problem? As in humans, some health issues that affect older pets can begin with very subtle changes that may go unnoticed until the problem has become serious.

Regular wellness visits are important for every stage of your pet’s life, so don’t forget to keep your senior pet’s scheduled wellness appointments. The best way to help protect your pet as he or she ages is to understand the aging process in pets. We understand that process and can help you help your pet. Even if your senior pet is already being treated for a medical condition, treatment recommendations can change as a condition progresses. Sometimes medication dosages need to be adjusted, or medication may need to be changed. Routine wellness blood work and other routine diagnostic testing are important for senior pets because these tests allow us to evaluate how your pet’s health is either responding to current management strategies or changing with age.

Your senior pet’s wellness examination is also your chance to have us address any of your questions or concerns about your pet. We welcome your questions and encourage you to be involved in decisions regarding your pet’s health care.

Older pets make wonderful companions, and thanks to advances in veterinary medicine, pets are living longer than ever! You are an important ally in your senior pet’s health care. We are here to help ensure that your pet is safe and happy throughout the “golden years”.

Vaccines are special proteins that prime the immune system to fight off specific infections. They work in two ways: to reduce the severity of such diseases should they strike or to completely prevent infection.

There are several diseases that can afflict cats and dogs, but most pets can be protected from the worst of them if they are vaccinated properly. For dogs, these include parvovirus, distemper, and infectious hepatitis. For cats, these include panleukopaenia, feline herpesvirus, and feline calicivirus; for outdoor cats, protection can include feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus.

Once contracted, these illnesses can prove painful, distressing, and even fatal. Luckily, most of these illnesses can be prevented with vaccination.


Treat your pet to a luxurious bath. Our special, cleansing baths remove dirt, debris and that doggie (or kitty) pet odor – your pet will feel fresh and revitalized. If scratching is a problem, our medicated baths contain soothing agents that stop the itching. Services also include nail trim. We also offer dematting services.

Blood Transfusions

Blood transfusions have many uses and can be critical lifesaving procedures. Blood loss that occurs suddenly due to trauma may require an emergency transfusion to save a patient’s life. However, not all blood transfusion situations are related to the injury. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, surgical patients, pets with advanced kidney or liver disease, cats with feline leukemia, and pets with bleeding or clotting disorders are some examples of other patients that may require transfusion with blood or blood products.

Our transfusion service allows us to provide blood and blood products for veterinary patients’ medical, surgical, or emergency needs. All blood is carefully screened for safety, handled carefully to help ensure delivery of healthy cells, and administered by experienced professionals. Our staff has been extensively trained and will handle your pet with care and compassion.

Emergency and Critical Care

In an emergency situation, please call us or come to the hospital immediately during regular hours. 

After hours, call 402-462-2234 before coming in so that a staff member can advise you and meet you at the hospital if necessary. We have a veterinarian available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle any urgent care your pet may require.  

Emergencies can be things such as ingesting harmful chemicals or poisons, trouble breathing, bleeding, inability to urinate, or trauma. If you ever feel that your pet needs emergency treatment do not hesitate to call or come in immediately.

House Calls

Bringing a pet to the veterinarian’s office can be a challenge for pet owners with limited mobility, restricted transportation, or commitments at home that make outside errands and other activities difficult. Pet owners with multiple pets or very large dogs may also have difficulty bringing their pets in for examinations and other veterinary care, and some pets simply don’t do well in a traditional office setting. In our continuing efforts to offer the best veterinary care to all of our clients and their pets, we are pleased to offer house-call services to accommodate special needs.

House calls permit us to bring our highly qualified staff and medical expertise right to your home. Pets that are fearful or otherwise stressed by coming to our office can benefit from being examined in their own environment, where they are likely to feel more secure and calm. This permits us to better evaluate behavior and overall demeanor in a more relaxed and natural setting.

Very young, sick, or elderly pets or those that don’t tolerate transportation well can also benefit from our house-call services, as well as pets that don’t get along well with other animals and may become very stressed in our practice’s waiting room.


At Companion’s Choice Animal Hospital, we’re able to process a wide array of diagnostic laboratory tests with our in-house laboratory.

Our tests include things like:

  • Blood Tests
  • Urine Tests
  • Fecal Tests
  • Parasite Tests
  • Digital X-rays
  • Ultrasonography
  • …and more!

We utilize these tests to assess your pet’s overall well-being. This helps us detect the trouble brewing in the internal organs by providing important clues to disease.

Additionally, we utilize one of the nation’s top veterinary laboratories for any testing that we cannot perform here in the clinic.

Nutritional Counseling

An estimated 59% of cats and 54% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Good nutrition and weight management are key to your pet’s overall health. These healthy habits are created at a young age for your pet and it’s up to you to help them maintain these habits. Through a good diet and proper exercise, you greatly increase your pet’s chance at a long, healthy life.

Parasite Prevention

Fleas, ticks, and heartworm are present in Hastings, and it’s vital to protect your pet. While fleas, ticks, and heartworm can be a serious threat to your pet’s health, our team can help you avert issues and diseases caused by these parasites.

Parasites, and the diseases they carry, can all be prevented with proper medication and maintenance. Fleas and ticks are not only a source of irritation to your pet, but they can also harbor disease and adversely affect your pet’s health. Heartworm is a dangerous parasite that lives in the heart of dogs and cats, damages the heart muscle, and can be fatal.

Fleas are small, jumping insects that live off of the blood of animals. They can carry dangerous diseases and will often cause allergic dermatitis ”severe itching” in pets.

Ticks are external parasites that live off of the bodily fluids of animals. They can carry diseases from one animal to another and are the main cause of the spread of diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis/anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Heartworm is a parasite that can live in the heart of dogs and cats. Mosquitoes carry the worm from one infected animal to another. Several hundred worms can live in the heart of a dog and infection from the parasite causes significant damage and can be fatal.

When it comes to your pet’s health, prevention is key.

Radiology (X-Rays)
A radiograph (X-ray) is a type of photograph that looks inside the body and reveals information that may not be discernible from the outside. Radiography can be used to evaluate your pet’s internal organs like the heart, lungs, and abdominal organs, as well as bones. When it comes to accurately diagnose your pet, radiology can be an extremely valuable tool in our diagnostic arsenal.

There have been many advancements in digital x-ray technology, and we can now manipulate the digital images that we take. This allows us to diagnose issues that may not be seen on a traditional x-ray.

Companion’s Choice Animal Hospital also offers ultrasonography. Ultrasonography is a type of diagnostic technique that uses ultrasound waves to produce an imaging study. This means that when we perform ultrasonography, we can see internal images of the patient’s body. Unlike some other imaging studies, like x-rays, ultrasonography does not use radiation. Instead, ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound (ultrasound) waves to create a picture of what is inside your pet’s body. Ultrasonography is a completely non-invasive, painless way to diagnose and evaluate many common diseases.

An ultrasound machine generates ultrasound waves. The machine is connected to a small probe that is held gently against your pet’s skin. The probe sends out painless ultrasound waves that bounce off of structures (for example, organs) in your pet’s body and return to a sensor inside the ultrasound machine. The ultrasound equipment collects these reflected “echoes” and uses them to generate images that are viewable on a screen. Ultrasound waves can generate excellent images of abdominal organs, including the liver, spleen, gallbladder, and kidneys. It is also useful for assessing fetal health and monitoring pregnancy in breeding animals, and it can help us diagnose and stage (determine the severity of) some forms of cancer.


Our team is highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide variety of pet surgeries using modern techniques, cutting edge equipment and always adhering to the strictest standards of safety and care. We provide surgical options in a clean and safe environment. Most importantly, our veterinary team can closely track each animal’s vital condition during surgery. Your pet is in safe hands at Companion’s Choice Animal Hospital!

Over 13 million pets are put to death in our nation’s animal shelters each year for lack of homes. That is why responsible pet owners make sure that their pets are not contributing to this serious over-population problem. In addition to preventing overpopulation, there are also health risks that are reduced by spaying and neutering.

Wellness Exams
From the first visit and throughout their entire life, we’ll be there to provide the absolute best care for your pet. Our wellness care measures can maximize the fullness of that life both in terms of what your pet can do and for how long. Annual physical exams are important! Many of our younger patients have annual exams, but for aging pets or those who have medical conditions, we recommend exams every six months.