COVID-19 Updates

Thank you to all of our clients that have been patient with our curbside services. At this time, we have decided to start allowing clients back in the building with restrictions starting October 5th, 2020. Clients wishing to be present for their pets’ examination by a veterinarian will be limited to one client per exam room and masks will be required for everyone involved while they are in the clinic. For those clients who do not want to wear a mask and those wishing to stay in their vehicles, we will also be continuing our curbside services.

All technical staff appointments not requiring an exam by a veterinarian (toe nail trims, Adequan injections, Cytopoint injections, etc.) and all refills (medications, food, etc.) will remain curbside only at this time.  We have come to this decision because we do not have the room to accommodate all appointments with current social distancing recommendations.